A banner that looks like a newspaper, with the words 'news' in the foreground

2024 President James Clark, recognizes Jamie Thomas for her service as 2023 President with a commemorative gavel.

BCAAR Enrolls in NAR Mentorship Program

BCAAR has enrolled in an NAR program called Spire for 2023. It is a mentorship program designed to allow seasoned REALTORS/Brokers to be paired with new licensees (defined as agents licensed for less than 2 years) or individuals outside the industry who may want to pursue opportunities in our industry. It is an educational program. There is no cost to participants.
Recruiting for Spire in 2023 runs from now until May 31. Training sessions (8 in total) for mentors and mentees will take place July through October. Mentors/Mentees will be expected to spend 4-8 hours per month during this 4-month period attending the online training sessions and meeting one on one, in person or virtually. The sessions will cover residential and commercial real estate, administrative roles, and various other industry topics.
You can learn much more about this by signing in to nar.realtor and searching for "Spire".
BCAAR's objective is to enroll 5 mentors and 5 mentees. This communication is to identify parties who would like to apply for inclusion in the program.
Please contact BCAAR Association Executive at beavercreekrealtors@gmail.com by May 1 to express your interest. You also may identify individuals outside the real estate industry who may be interested in being mentees.

REALTORS® Shop East Palestine

A small group of local REALTORS® focused on shopping in East Palestine on April 6 in an effort to help local merchants adversely affected by the February train derailment in the community. Members and guests of Beaver Creek Area Association of REALTORS® (BCAAR) and their family members spent over $1,300 in the village in a couple of hours.
Association Executive Dale Meller encouraged members to gather in East Palestine in the interest of showing that REALTORS® care about participating in the communities in which they live and work. Association President Jamie Thomas summoned members with "why not buy your Spring lawn supplies, household products, some gifts, and a couple of bags of groceries in East Palestine to help some hard-hit businesses?"
BCAAR is a not-for-profit association of REALTORS® with 220 members, primarily in Columbiana and Mahoning Counties.
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BCAAR Annual Meeting

The Beaver Creek Area Association of REALTORS held its annual meeting last week, Thursday, February 2, 2023, at the East Liverpool Country Club.
Outgoing President, Ron Bryer, reviewed BCAAR's accomplishments and community involvement for 2022. The meeting was attended by REALTOR Members and Affiliate Members of the Association. The keynote speaker for the evening was Ohio REALTORS President Ralph Mantica. Mantica reported on accomplishments at the state association level and his plans and objectives for the coming year. He also administered the oath of office to the newly elected Beaver Creek Area directors and officers. The following Directors were elected for the 2023 term: Ron Bryer of Bryer Realty, Carrie Kirchner of Howard Hanna Real Estate , Linda Courtney of Towne & Suburban Realty, Jamie Thomas of Florever Homes Realty, (President), James Clark of Underwood & Associates (Vice President), and Zach Underwood of Underwood & Associates.

Newly elected President Jamie Thomas addressed the group, offering thanks to the members for their support and pledging to be a proactive leader for the organization. President Thomas also announced she would attend the upcoming Ohio REALTORS and National Association conventions and training seminars to understand the Association's leadership responsibilities better. In addition, Thomas pledges to increase the Association's level of community involvement.

After 2 years, local village comes together to open new park | WKBN Coverage

Deterra Drug Deactivation System

Dale Meller and two other females, one on his right is blonde wearing a teal dress top clutching a box full of small pouches. The brunette female on his left is wearing white and holding two of the pouches to the camera. All three are wearing masks

Today, Beaver Creek Area Association of REALTORS (BCAAR) announced an initiative aimed at combatting the opioid crisis. In partnership with Ohio REALTORS, BCAAR will provide its REALTOR® members with prescription drug disposal bags for their client’s use before an open house. Law enforcement throughout Ohio has confirmed that individuals posed as buyers attend open houses to specifically steal medications from medicine cabinets. Clients selling their homes are encouraged to lock up and remove valuables from the premises during open houses. This new initiative addresses the safe removal of unused or expired prescriptions before they can be misused. According to a recent data released by the White House Drug Policy Office, there was an 11.4% year- over-year increase in overdose fatalities for the first quarter of 2020, due in part to lockdowns and economic uncertainty. Many individuals keep prescription drugs after they are no longer medically necessary. However, this can have devastating consequences. According to the Ohio Opioid Education Alliance, nearly half of teens who misuse prescription drugs get them from their parent’s medicine cabinet. By supplying clients with prescription drug disposal bags before an open house, the BCAAR hopes to reverse this trend. Clients will be able to use the drug disposal bags to remove any unnecessary prescriptions before an open house. The Deterra Drug Deactivation System has been proven to neutralize pills, liquids, and patches. A small bag can deactivate up to 15 pills, 2 ounces of liquid or 2 dermal patches. Association President Barbara Stamp explained, “This program is a great opportunity to not only serve our members, but also to benefit our clients and make a positive impact on the opioid crisis in our state.” Deterra bags are also available to purchase online at shopdeterrasystems.com. The Beaver Creek Area Association of REALTORS represents 200 members and serving primarily Columbiana and Mahoning Counties.

  • Code of ethics
    The current Code of Ethics cycle—Cycle 6—is 1/1/2019—12/31/2021. All members are required to take an ethics course (classroom or online) during this period. A free online course is available at nar.realtor.